Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress...

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a combination of behavioural strategies and cognitive therapy (Zayfert, 2006). Aaron T. Beck was the founder of cognitive behavioural therapy in 1963, initially his work focused on depression. The basic principles of cognitive behavioural therapy are people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours and all work together in a unified system (Curwen.B, 2000). B. Curwen states: â€Å"That thoughts can lead to emotions and behaviour; and that emotional disorders arise from negatively biased thinking (which lead to unhelpful emotions and behaviours); and that emotional disorders can be helped by changing such thinking† (Curwen.B, 2000). Amy’s problems started with a ‘near-miss’ car accident which caused Amy to†¦show more content†¦Amy’s relationship with Claire is suffering as Amy feels that Claire is fed up with her behaviour (line 96). Amy is suffering re-current dreams which are also linked with her post traumatic stress disorder, the dreams are causing Amy to scream and cry (line 97). Claire does tell Amy that she loves her but Amy does not consciously believe the counter evidence and dismisses it which feeds her core belief. Amy’s negative automatic thoughts cause Amy to fear danger, this is shown on lines 84 93, her negative automatic thoughts cause Amy to become hyper-vigilant. When out and about she constantly looks out for danger, which is causing Amy to become anxious. Amy is avoiding driving as she feels that it’s not safe for her to drive, Amy has no counter evidence to support this thought. The accident has changed Amy’s original core beliefs, that the world is safe, she’s loved and she has control. Her negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours are maintaining the problem, causing a vicious circle. The steps of cognitive behavioural therapy that Amy needs to change her core beliefs and negative behaviour are taught in two main steps. The first stage of therapy is verbal technique, which will attempt to teach Amy to cast doubt on her core beliefs, this is done by talking to the therapist about her thoughts and feeling at that present time, this will help Amy make a connection herself about her feelings and thoughts. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Factors of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay675 Words   |  3 PagesFactors of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post traumatic stress disorder occurs after a person is exposed to a terrifying ordeal which causes either grave physical or psychological harm where harm was threatened. It can become an extremely debilitating disorder to the persons life. The person can have problems interacting in social and family life, occupational instability and the breakdown of marriages can occur. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Issue Of Same Sex Marriage - 925 Words

The issue of same-sex marriage is an extremely controversial topic within Ireland. The discussion reached its zenith on May 28th, 2015, when the predominately Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland became the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. Additionally, the issue divided the population of Ireland into two corners: those who were pro-family versus those who were pro-marriage. Pro-family citizens opposed the marriage equality referendum and the pro-marriage side supported it. A question the pro-family side was forced to consider in the aftermath of the referendum was, does this â€Å"victory† come at the cost of undercutting the integrity of the moral fabric of Irish society? Two articles reported on the implications of this monumental event on May 29th of this year. The first article is from Mass Resistance and has no stated author. The other article is written by Conor Payne on Socialist alternative’s website. Although both website s deal with the same event, with further analyzation, major similarities and differences in each site s credibility, purpose, and intended audience are revealed. As a first point, the similarities and differences in the credibility within each site must be evaluated. The core web addresses or URL’s of both Mass Resistance’s and Payne’s articles end in .org, which stands for an organization. Thus, both sites cannot be considered unbiased or neutral, because they are run by non-profit organizations. Consequently,Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage984 Words   |  4 Pages Homosexuality is hotly debated within the United States of America when it comes to the idea of same sex-marriage. Society cannot seem to agree about whether it should be made legal or not. The views on this topic have been shaped by religion, by the 1980’s AIDS period, and by so much more. Throughout the time homosexuals fought for their rights, had to go through life wondering if their friends would survive, to bring us to today’s reality where even social media gives every individual the opportunityRead MoreThe Issue Of Same S ex Marriage966 Words   |  4 Pagesstudies focusing on same-sex and heterosexual couples and the challenges they experience with bringing up children. The main focus of the articles is to draw on the conclusion on same-sex couples. When dealing with families of same sex marriages you must put into consideration how families are the same and different from traditional families. In today s society many of same-sex couples are confronted with social irregular characteristics which may cause many complex issues. The main point isRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1376 Words   |  6 PagesLiberties/Civil Rights Issues November 19, 2014 I†¦My chosen topic is Gay Rights- more specifically marriage equality. Public opinion in the U.S. shows the majority support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. This issue is more likely to be supported by women and people under 50. My thesis is that marriage equality a civil right, rights we are born with as a citizen of the U.S. which the government cannot interfere with or suppress. (Lecture Notes 8/27). Over the past decade, marriage equality hasRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage Essay1677 Words   |  7 PagesEqual marriage has always been a contentious issue in society. The legalisation of same sex marriage in New Zealand in August 2013 via the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act has been a source of pride for those in some parts of our society and a source of horror for those in other parts. This issue split the country, and those in power, right down the middle, with some people taking sides that didn’t necessarily align with what w ould be expected of their political leanings. The issueRead MoreThe Issue With Same Sex Marriage1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Issue with Same Sex Marriage has been debated for over a decade and we have seen conflicts of concerns regarding the rights of homosexuals. Do they have the right to same sex marriage? First must look for the level of definition from the word marriage. We must first look at the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), in which it states that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman. On July 18th, 2006, the Congressional voted on the proposed Amendment that befell onto the House ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1286 Words   |  6 Pagesrelationship that is â€Å"morally right†. When speaking on gay marriage, there are typically two views. To some it is just absouletly disgusting, and then to others it’s a beautiful thing. â€Å" Opponents of Same Sex Marriage say marriage is between a man and a woman and anything else i s morally wrong( â€Å"At Issue : Same Sex Marriage†) As a human being , whose right is it to tell someone who they can and can not love. Sometimes people may disagree with gay marriage on a spiritual level, but who is to say one person’sRead MoreThe Issue With Same-Sex Marriages1568 Words   |  6 Pagesdebate about the issue of same-sex marriage. For many, it is one of the fundamental human rights to love and marry whomever one chooses. Others feel that this right should be ruled by certain moral codes and restrictions in order to maintain the basic moral fabric of Western society. Today, many critics who advocate for the legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States do so on the grounds of the fact that it will create a more equal and fair society. Same-sex marriage, or indeed simplyRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1711 Words   |  7 Pagesyear. Same-sex marriage is a debatable topic that attracts many responses from those supporting and those opposing the issue. People who dispute gay marriage believe it is morally wrong, while gay rights activists believe that all marriages be treated equally. This dispute is put into several different lights including morals, family values and religion; and those of equality, constitutionality. Section 1: The first major law that affected same-sex marriage was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)Read MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1664 Words   |  7 Pagesconclusions which declare that every generation after the Salient Generation (1928-45) is more in favor of same-sex marriage. The primary component here is that â€Å"younger generations express higher levels of support for same-sex marriage† (Mitchell). As far as reflecting the change in attitudes, the data shows that older generations â€Å"have become more supportive of same-sex marriage in the past decade† (Mitchell). In relation to Lewis and Gossett’s research, their research aligns in their claim thatRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage931 Words   |  4 PagesThe issue of same-sex marriage is an extremely controversial topic within Ireland. The discussion reached its zenith on May 28th, 2015, when the predominately Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland became the first country in the world t o legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. Additionally, the issue divided the population of Ireland into two corners: those who were pro-family versus those who were pro-marriage. Pro-family citizens opposed the marriage equality referendum and the pro-marriage side

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Leadership in Early

Question: Discuss about the Leadership in Early Childhood. Answer: Introduction Leadership has a key role to play in the early childhood service centres or organizations. The care centre and its educators have a key significance in the life of the child. They tend to idealise the leader and follow them. The childhood leaders have a strong impact on the mental growth and the psychology of a child. This assignment highlights the setting of the leader and the first impression that is obtained upon entering the childhood care centre or kindergarten. In this assignment, Sunrise Early Education Centre[1] has been chosen. The various leaders and mentors who had special significance and made the experience a special one, has been highlighted in this assignment. Sunrise Early Education Centre[2] is a kindergarten with a capacity of 500 children. It is a kindergarten as well as a day care centre. It is one of the reputed organizations, with a history of 30 glorious years. The hours of operation are from 7am in the morning to 6pm in the evening. Section 1 The Sunrise Early Education Centre[3] is one of the most friendly childcare centre. It is popular for the choice of the employees as well as the services that are provided by the centre. The employees are well-structured and each of them has a pre-defined role[4]. All the employees are highly qualified and holds degree of which are ACECQA certified. Leadership in a childcare organization is more of understanding the psychology of the child, along with providing a comforting shelter, rather than being a successful organizational leader. A leader at the childcare centre might increase the legitimate power with others by various ways. These include the following: Persuasion This includes maintaining the position of the leader, along with respecting the followers as well as the children, who are studying in the kindergarten[5]. Clarity in communication has to be maintained by the director[6], so that the others are able to understand the organizational goals and feel that the policies are mutually beneficial. Acceptance Acceptance to the view of the others has to be implemented by the leaders such that the best policies out of the various suggestions could be accepted[7]. As an effective leader, it is important that high personal performance be maintained, in order to motivate others as well[8]. Accepting the views of the other employees and choosing the best out of all the suggestions is a trait of a good leader. Openness In the Sunrise Early Education Centre[9], all the employees are motivated to practice openness of thoughts and opinions. It is important in a kindergarten, since the best has to be chosen for the children. Openness to new ideas will enhance the working of the childcare centre. Kindness Being sensitive and understanding towards the children is the main virtue that an effective leader has to follow. A caring leader, having the power of motivating is a trait of a true leader[10]. The staff structure of Sunrise Early Education Centre[11] and the roles of the various employees are mentioned below: Name Qualification Roles Danica[12] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Director, responsible for the overall management and policy making of the Sunrise Early Education Centre Sarah[13] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Lead Educator, responsible for educating the children and motivating the junior educators. Leah[14] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Lead Educator, responsible for ensuring that the children are being cared for and educated properly. Melissa[15] Holds Bachelor in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Kindergarten Teacher, responsible for teaching the students. Mika[16] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Lead Educator, responsible for ensuring that the children are being cared for and educated properly. Holland[17] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Lead Educator, responsible for ensuring that the children are being cared for and educated properly. Lillie[18] Holds Cert 3 in Early childhood studying towards Diploma - ACECQA approved Assistant Educator, responsible for teaching the students Krystal[19] Holds Cert 3 in Early childhood studying towards Diploma - ACECQA approved Assistant Educator, responsible for teaching the students Brooke[20] Holds Cert 3 in Early childhood studying Diploma - ACECQA approved Assistant Educator, responsible for caring for the children Joe[21] Holds Diploma in Early childhood qualification - ACECQA approved Lunch Float, responsible for caring for the children and looking after them Section 2 Sunrise Early Education Centre[22] the interpersonal climate is a positive one. Each of the employees, be it the director, the lead educators or the assistant educator, care for the children and ensures a positivity in the childcare centre[23]. Moreover, while communicating they respect the children and are sensitive towards the issues that they might be facing[24]. The feeling on entering Sunrise Early Education Centre[25] is positive and friendly. The communication that takes place in the childcare centre has clarity and integrity. Though the communication is verbal, yet the nonverbal gestures are also given adequate importance. The issues of the children are handled with care and with sensitivity. Metaphors and its purpose Metaphors are used to describe a situation with the choice of words, which does not literally mean what is being stated, but describes the situation. In the given leadership setting, the following metaphor could be used[26]. The gardeners care made the newly planted saplings grow into huge trees The leadership and the motivation that the leaders showed for the children of the Sunrise Early Education Centre[27], were effective and the children were taken good care, focusing on their health, education and psychological development. Conclusion Effective leadership has a key role in the minds of the children as well as their well-being. It is important that leaders of the early childhood ensure that the future of the children is secured and they receive proper education. References Clifford, R. (1997) 'Commentary' In: Leadership in early care and education / Sharon L. Kagan and Barbara T. Bowman, eds. Washington, D.C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1997. pp. 103-104 Culkin, M. (1997) 'Administrative Leadership' In: Leadership in early care and education / Sharon L. Kagan and Barbara T. Bowman, eds. Washington, D.C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1997. Chapter 4, pp. 23-33 Grady, Neville B. (1993) 'Examining Teachers' Images Through Metaphor' Source: Studies in Educational Administration, no. 58, Winter, 1993, pp. 23-31 Hard, L. (2006). Horizontal violence in early childhood education and care: Implications for leadership enactment.Australian Journal of Early Childhood,31(3), 40-49. Kagan, S. L., Bowman, B. T. (1997).Leadership in Early Care and Education. NAEYC, 1509 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1426 $9). McCrea, N. L., Ehrich, L. C. (2000). Completing an educational leadership picture: Feminine essentials from an Australian perspective. InWomen as school executives: The complete picture(pp. 48-54). Texas A M University-Commerce Press. Rosenberg, Janie Cohen Celia (1983) 'Shadow study' In: Administration : a bedside guide / Sharon Stine, editor. Pasadena, Calif: Pacific Oaks College and Children's School, c1983. Chapter 4, pp. 29-30 Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Clifford, R. (1997) 'Commentary' In: Leadership in early care and education / Sharon L. Kagan and Barbara T. Bowman, eds. Washington, D.C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1997. pp. 103-104 Culkin, M. (1997) 'Administrative Leadership' In: Leadership in early care and education Sharon L. Kagan and Barbara T. Bowman, eds. Washington, D.C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1997. Chapter 4, pp. 23-33 Pseudonym has been used Grady, Neville B. (1993) 'Examining Teachers' Images Through Metaphor' Source: Studies in Educational Administration, no. 58, Winter, 1993, pp. 23-31 McCrea, N. L., Ehrich, L. C. (2000). Completing an educational leadership picture: Feminine essentials from an Australian perspective. InWomen as school executives: The complete picture(pp. 48-54). Texas A M University-Commerce Press. Pseudonym has been used Rosenberg, Janie Cohen Celia (1983) 'Shadow study' In: Administration : a bedside guide / Sharon Stine, editor. Pasadena, Calif: Pacific Oaks College and Children's School, c1983. Chapter 4, pp. 29-30 Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Pseudonym has been used Hard, L. (2006). Horizontal violence in early childhood education and care: Implications for leadership enactment.Australian Journal of Early Childhood,31(3), 40-49. Kagan, S. L., Bowman, B. T. (1997).Leadership in Early Care and Education. NAEYC, 1509 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1426 $9). Pseudonym has been used Grady, Neville B. (1993) 'Examining Teachers' Images Through Metaphor' Source: Studies in Educational Administration, no. 58, Winter, 1993, pp. -3 Pseudonym has been used